Leo Haviland provides clients with original, provocative, cutting-edge fundamental supply/demand and technical research on major financial marketplaces and trends. He also offers independent consulting and risk management advice.

Haviland’s expertise is macro. He focuses on the intertwining of equity, debt, currency, and commodity arenas, including the political players, regulatory approaches, social factors, and rhetoric that affect them. In a changing and dynamic global economy, Haviland’s mission remains constant – to give timely, value-added marketplace insights and foresights.

Leo Haviland has three decades of experience in the Wall Street trading environment. He has worked for Goldman Sachs, Sempra Energy Trading, and other institutions. In his research and sales career in stock, interest rate, foreign exchange, and commodity battlefields, he has dealt with numerous and diverse financial institutions and individuals. Haviland is a graduate of the University of Chicago (Phi Beta Kappa) and the Cornell Law School.


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In professional sports such as baseball and Wall Street’s competitive marketplaces, history is not destiny. However, “the past” and variables apparently relevant to it need not be discarded as being of little or no importance, relevance, or guidance for current and future playgrounds. During the worldwide economic crisis that dawned in mid-2007 and the ensuing recovery, noteworthy moves in the 10 year less two year United States government yield spread often have roughly coincided with significant Federal Reserve Board policy decisions (and several months ago with major European Central Bank ones). These US Treasury yield curve ventures (trend changes) generally have occurred around the same time as significant moves in the US Treasury 10 year note and the US stock marketplace (S+P 500). Many lows in the 10/2 UST yield curve spread have tied up with (occurred within a few months of) important S+P 500 bottoms; pinnacles in the spread likewise link up somewhat closely in time with plateaus in the US stock playground.

The UST 10 year less two year spread probably established a major bottom on 7/24/12 at 117 basis points (10 year yield higher than two year return, so a positive yield curve; short rates over long rates creates a negative yield curve).

What would a further notable widening of the spread (steepening of the curve, more positive slope) from current heights around 165 basis points suggest to avid financial marketplace fans? Perhaps a sustained move in this 10/2 UST spread over around 200 to 210 basis points will indicate a renewed (further) strengthening of the US (and worldwide) economic recovery.

However, that upward path over 200/210 basis points instead may warn of impending economic weakness. This viewpoint is not necessarily as off base as some may claim. One needs to focus on whether America is a key source of and significant spark for likely global (not just US) feebleness.

In that regard, recall the shift from 6/12/08’s 117 basis point low (same as 7/24/12’s) up to 11/13/ 08’s 262bp as the financial crisis raced forward (Lehman Brothers bankruptcy 9/15/08). The US housing and financial leverage (banking system) problems were critical issues (though of course not confined to the US), even though the US (and the world in general) did not in mid-2008 yet face major fiscal troubles.

Why might the 10/2 UST spread widen (as in mid-June to mid-November 2008) nowadays or in the near or medium term? In some circumstances, there can be a dismal widening of the UST spread (and higher long term rates) accompanied by little or no economic growth (or even a recession). Suppose the current US (and international) economic horizon darkened significantly. Assume a big fiscal difficulty in the US is a major factor in this bleak outlook. Then maybe this time around, when economic downturn risks in general still loom large, there will not be as nearly as substantial a flight to quality into UST as there was at end 2008 (after mid-November) and as there has been at subsequent economic (downturn) crisis periods since then up to the present time. Thus this setup probably would produce an outcome for the 10/2 yield spread very unlike its pattern during the previous substantial financial deteriorations of the mid-November 2008 to the present time span. Many players (especially international ones) may not view the UST as wonderful quality (especially when nominal yields are so mediocre) if the US may or does become the star of a fearsome fiscal problem and related systemic economic crisis.

Yet the history of the past several years also warns that a slump in the 10/2 UST spread back close to around the July 2012 bottom probably signals US (and global) economic weakness as well.
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Throwing Curves- the Friendly Fed’s Yield Curve Game (3-5-13)
US Treasury 10 Year versus 2 Year Note Chart (3-5-13)


Since the current economic crisis emerged in 2007, a rough pattern has been that major movements and levels in US Treasury ten year note yields have preceded or coincided with those in the S+P 500. Thus, “in general”, plummeting UST yields have been paralleled by diving stock prices. And rising interest rates are connected to rallies in stocks. So in today’s world, gurus and guides often underline that higher and higher UST rates fit an economic recovery (health) scenario. In contrast, collapsing rates indicate looming (or actual) disaster; hence the popularity of flight to quality and safe haven commentary in regard to UST. Such relationships between the UST 10 year note and stocks (and variables allegedly bound to them) of course help forecasters to assess probabilities for and predict important debt and equity trend changes. Looking forward, this ongoing pattern may well persist.

Yet at some point, and arguably within the next several months, the present relationship between the US ten year and the S+P 500 may change. Thus rising UST yields eventually may coincide with sinking stocks. What key trading levels for the 10 year should one keep an eye out for? Such trigger point ranges will vary over time. So anyway, what guidelines for nowadays? If the US 10 year note yield floats decisively above the 2.50 percent level, and if stocks rally very little as that yield barrier is breached, that would hint the current (2007-2011) UST/S+P 500 relationship is altering.

As the global economic crisis flows on and on, many of its intertwined actions and participants (and thus marketplace relationships) may remain relatively unchanging. But they are not stagnant. Today’s marketplace voyagers should wonder if the crisis has drifted closer and closer to a new round of difficulties. Look at European yields, and place Germany on the sidelines. Focus instead on Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and Italy. These countries show that severe economic problems (and downturns) are not always or inevitably associated with falling (or low) government interest rates.

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Marketplaces and Policies – Making Connections (11-29-11)